8 Landscape Design Principles

Landscaping is one of the best ways to add beauty, viability and value to our homes. Some people also say that it has a  therapeutic effect on them, whenever they do landscape designing. Do you wonder about the secrets of the magical art of a professional landscape designer? Landscape design might appear a difficult term. To attain perfection, you could spend several years going through all ideas in the given field. However, what about a newbie who wishes to revamp the existing space? 

Whether you want to beautify your front yard or improve your backyard, the options are unlimited. The only limitation is your imagination. All you need is knowledge and some elbow grease.


Whether you wish to borrow ideas or come up with innovative ideas yourself, you should still understand the core principles of the perfect landscape design. As you understand these core principles, it boosts your creativity while allowing you to come up with new ideas for a beautiful garden area. 

A great landscape design is in the eyes of the artist. For your ease, we have summarized a list of top essential landscape design principles that you should follow:

#1 Enclosures –A Beautiful Garden Room with Borders of Different Materials

Enclosures are crucial elements when it comes to defining the garden area as rooms. Enclosures dedicate the garden to its specific location –offering both the garden and the house a sense of long-lasting beauty and permanence.

Enclosures help unify the garden and house into a whole environment while virtually creating the impression of a continuous living area. It also sets the scene for a broad range of experiences and moods. In addition, with enclosures, you can achieve a sense of security and comfort by offering access to similar structures, including ceilings, floors, doorways, and walls.

With proper enclosures, you can set appropriate order through the creation of spaces that are manageably sized.

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#2 Entry –A Well-defined Entrance Point into the Garden Enclosures

The entrance of the garden delivers the first impression of the garden home. Entrances are preludes to what is beyond the walls. These are symbolic signs of welcome to the garden area. When garden entrances recreate the home's architectural style, it helps create a sense of unity.

With a proper entrance to your landscape, these serve as transitional points and directional guides from one area to another. Specific vital elements of the landscape serve as essential components of the entrance. Entrances should be a necessary part of every garden or landscape room.

#3 Color –Highlighting the Color Palette in Your Garden with the Selection & Arrangement of Objects and Plants

The presence of a green framework is responsible for holding the garden together. It also serves as the background for other colours. Colours help in creating illusions and moods. The overall intensity of the light also affects the colour of your landscape.

The advice is that you should not use more than a single colour for every garden room. Grays and greens serve as harmonizers between colours and contrast.

The colour scheme of the garden should complement the house along with other essential features. Naturally, varying conditions of the garden's growth can influence colour schemes. However, broad concepts of colours are highly effective than patches and dabs.

#4 Pattern, Rhythm, Texture –Using Recognizable Motifs, Surface Characteristics, and the Influence Created by Object Spacing as Core Design Elements

Rhythm, texture, and patterns help in adding layers of interest and richness to the garden. As you create contrasting surface characteristics of minerals and plants, it helps in highlighting the visual impact in garden rooms. Moreover, repetition of motifs helps create the sensation of stability in the garden area while providing harmony to the given design.

You can create cadence by equally spacing three or more objects in a specific pattern. This translates into an environment of dependability, order, and rhythm. When you place repeated things closely, it quickens the rhythm. On the other hand, when you space out similar objects farther from each other, it slows down the overall rhythm.

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#5 Contrast & Harmony –Ensuring Stability in Your Landscape

Contrast helps in highlighting specific elements in your landscape design. At the same time, harmony helps in allowing the various elements in your landscape design to appear unified. When you create a contrast for the existing features, it helps draw the viewers' attention when you place elements next to each other. Harmony and contrast are achieved by effectively positioning high-end aspects of art. You can also reach the same by using complementary colours next to each other.

#6 Structures –A Wide Range of Constructed Features in the Landscape

Structures serve to deliver both aesthetic as well as functional purposes. Structures help add to the sense of screen views and enclosures while providing a centre of interest aesthetically.

Structures help in representing a proper anchoring element. It serves to be a focal point from which the landscape design can absorb its overall richness and diversity across the entire space.

#7 Abundance –Ample Quality With the Righteous Use of Materials and Plants

When plants in your landscape design grow in larger colonies or drifts, they tend to appear more natural and highly spontaneous. To enhance the overall effect, abundance should be to the point wherein it does not become a distraction. You can set up plenty generously by including some workhorse plants without exceeding the same.

When you ensure generous plantings, they allow proper cuttings without reducing the overall visual impact of the existing area. Ample plantings offer enough options to share.

#8 Mystery –Creating a Sense of Curiosity and Excitement Through Landscape Design

Mystery in your landscape design uses the unseen, the unknown, and your overall imagination as essential design elements. The principle of mystery helps in escalating the imagination of visitors while including the surprise anticipation. For instance, you can create the sense of intriguing paths in the landscape to draw an invitation.


With essential landscape design principles, you can design a beautiful landscape for unleashing your creativity. When you use the correct elements properly, it can influence the overall design of the landscape area.


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