5 ways to maintain a healthy lawn


Your property's landscape design ultimately determines what people around you will think about your house as they pass by. Indeed, you would want it to look perfect. However, if you do not have ample time to design your landscape correctly, you can hire a reliable landscaping company to do so.

Beforehand, here are some common myths you need to know about:

#1 Spring Time is not the Only Period to Plant

There is no denying that the months of March to May (the spring season) are the best time for growing new plants. However, you can consider planting your favorite trees or shrubs in other seasons as well. You can quickly come across trees and plants growing in cooler conditions as well.

#2 Shorter Grass does not Imply Less Mowing

While this appears logical, if you cut down the grass too low, it would ultimately damage the lawn. It is because when the grass is too short, it makes the entire land dry. Moreover, it also promotes the overall growth of weeds. Additionally, it also enhances the chance of burning the grass. Therefore, it would ultimately lead to brown patches on the lawn. 

#3 Nighttime is the Best for Watering

It is a common belief that water does not evaporate during nighttime. Therefore, it implies that you need less water for watering. However, the overall lack of evaporation will lead to a new problem. Sitting water becomes a breeding ground for mould and fungi. Therefore, you should water only before the sun rises. 

#4 It is Not Healthy to Leave Grass Clippings on the Lawn

Grass clippings are a great source of nutrients for the lawn. Grass clippings are rich in nitrogen, offering additional benefits. They also help in reducing fertilizer residue in the soil. As grass clippings are known to contain around 75 to 80 per cent water, they can help in reducing the frequency of watering required.

#5 The Best Location is Near the Building for Planting Shrubs

It is one of the most common myths that homeowners believe. However, as you grow plants & shrubs close to the exterior walls, it will increase the chances of pest infestation. Therefore, you should note that there is ample space between the plants and the exterior building.


Do you wish to improve the beauty of your landscape? Then, you should know about the proper ways to enhance the decor and the aesthetics of your landscape. 


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