Popular pool design trends of 2021


Contemporary pool design is currently undergoing a renaissance as homeowners around Australia look for highly refined and straightforward designs. With warmer months just around the corner, we look into the latest swimming pool types, designs and trends of 2021 to take centre stage this summer. During this pandemic and staycation on everyone's minds, discover what makes a pool unique and exciting as per the famous landscape trendsetters

Whether designing a new pool or revamping the existing one, Australians are increasingly drawn to simplified forms. Resources, lot size, and accessibility of materials will decide what type of pool you will ultimately choose for your property. Here are some popular pool types and design trends to check out:

#1 Concrete pools

A concrete pool is an in-ground pool where you need to dig a hole, build a structure with steel support such as a rebar, and then transfer it into concrete. With a concrete pool, you can make any design which you want. Once the basic shape is complete, the inside is usually finished with tile, plaster, or combined materials. With periodic examining, a concrete pool can last more than 20 years.

#2 Fibreglass pools

They come in almost any size and shape that you can imagine. They have shaped swimming pools that are mounted in your yard in a single piece. Fibreglass pools can be scorched to prolong the swimming period and can be installed for night-time swimming with optic lights. Fiber-glass is a sturdy, weightless material that is built by merging threads of small glass into a framework and hardening that framework with a particular polyester resin. The finishing touch is done by adding weather-resistant gel to get a smooth surface.


#3 Small Backyard Pools

It is a common myth that you need to have a large-sized yard to install a swimming pool. However, with the ever-rising population and neighbourhoods becoming highly compact, backyards across the country are getting smaller. So rather than disappointing yourself from the dream of having a lavish pool in your backyard, you have to be clever about its placement and size. Small is in! While incorporating different elements in the backyard, homeowners want to create an ultimate outdoor experience. The homeowners want it all, from the presence of a fire pit to a dedicated seated area, an outdoor kitchen, and much more. You cannot have it all if the pool area occupies a large portion of your backyard. You can search for a professional landscape professional with experience in organizing spaces. Planning plays a crucial part in this kind of design, and expert help may be needed.

#4 Designing Cocktail Pools

Are you looking for a corner to cool down and relax on a warm day? Do you have limited availability of space for designing a full-sized pool? An innovative cocktail pool might offer you the ideal solution. Cocktail pools are one of the hottest swimming pool trends in Australia. These are available as smaller, compact pools -usually less than 400 square feet in area. The best part about these compact pools is that they can easily fit into a small-sized or irregularly-shaped garden. Also, cocktail pools are highly cost-effective and eco-friendly options in comparison to full-sized variants. Scaling back on the size does not necessarily imply minimizing the overall luxury. Homeowners are enhancing the concept of cocktail pools with customized features like heaters, jets, advanced water features, and luxury seating. This allows the pool to double as a lavish spa.

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#5 Ledge Pools

There is no denying the relaxing experience you have when you sit beach-side by placing your lounger in the shallow waters of the sea. Homeowners all around the country are recreating this refreshing vibe in the backyard through the installation of pool ledges. The feature of a pool ledge allows homeowners to enjoy the refreshing waters of the swimming pool along with the sun's warmth at the same time. Pool ledges also form a part of the broader trend featuring multi-level pools. The best part about this latest pool trend is that it is fit for all age groups. Adults can sit around the pool ledge to boost their tans while sipping on their favourite drinks. Simultaneously, kids can use the same for splashing around without going into the deeper ends of the pool. Thus, pool ledges serve as efficient solutions. In addition to this, they deliver the perfect resort theme for creating a staycation experience in your backyard.


#6 LED Lighting Pools

Did you think pools are only for daytime fun & relaxation? It is not so! Most homeowners of Australian properties are leveraging the beauty & functionality of LED lights in their pools to enjoy the experience even after dark. During the summer months, as the summer heat becomes unbearable, it is highly relaxing to take a plunge past sunset for the much-needed cooldown. You can quickly transform the outdoor pool feature into a fun-filled night swimming experience with some attractive LED lighting. LED lighting not only allows you to see better, but they offer abundant colour options for you to select. This helps you in setting the right mood for your backyard.


#7 Dark Pool Hues

While light hues are highly preferred, homeowners are opting for darker shades for beautiful outdoor features nowadays. This is because dark shades help in attracting sunlight better. In addition, it allows you to save significantly on the overall heating costs. In addition to this, darker pool shades like deep greys, blues, and even blacks can help create the look of a natural lagoon while imparting your backyard a relaxing feel that you long for in a vacation.


Whether your property features a large or a small swimming pool; it can be achieved by making few changes. If you are located in Sydney we are more than happy to help and advise you on your plans for swimming pool and backyard renovations. Contact us today and book a free consultation.


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